Asherah, the Hebrew Goddess & Shekinah - Consort of Yahweh

"Asherah, the Shekinah, consort and beloved of Yahweh. God-the-Mother. Her sacred pillars or poles once stood right beside Yahweh’s altar, embracing it. Moses and Aaron both carried one of these Asherah . . ."
Painting by Jonathon Earl Bowser.
Asherah as “the Great Goddess of the Aegean"

Dating to ~1400-1300 BCE, this elegant ivory carving was discovered at Minet el-Beida.
It is an Asiatic stylistic adaption of Creto-Mycenaean configurations, depicting Asherah as the “Great Goddess of the Aegean.”
Asherah’s other epithets displayed on this composition include “Holiness,” “the Goddess,” “Goddess of Animals,” “Mother Goddess” and “Vital Force of Nature.”
Rational Faiths: Biblical Illusions to Asherah

“Taken together, all this evidence suggests that the title ruach Elohim/Yahweh is a symbolic name that underscores the goddess’ indissoluble relationship to the Israelite chief male deity and her life-giving qualities.
She is, as it were, God’s breath, something he could not live without.”
Asherah as Goddess of Animals & Queen of Heaven

~ Asherah as Goddess of Animals & Queen of Heaven ~
Standing upon her signature lion, the goddess Asherah is depicted on this gold pendant as the ‘Goddess/Mistress of Animals’ and the
‘Queen of Heaven.’
The lion, elevated ibexes and snakes (which cross behind her waist) are frequent attributes of Asherah as the ‘Goddess/Mistress of Animals.’ The pendant's starry, astral background is a reference to Asherah’s aspect as the ‘Queen of Heaven.’
Dating to ~1450-1365 BCE, this gold pendant was discovered in the tomb of a princess in the ancient port city of Minet el-Beida.
Was Asherah’s God’s Wife?

Was Asherah god's wife?
Archaeological evidence reveals ancient Israel worshipped goddesses and the goddessAsherah was Yahweh's primary wife.
Although a disturbing and blasphemous notion to some, the archaeological and historical evidence indicates that Asherah was actually but one of Yahweh’s wives:
“Not only does Yahweh have a consort[/wife], but he's got one every town.”
-The Goddess in the Hebrew Bible
Khirbet el-Qom Asherah & Yahweh Blessing Inscription

Israelite Paleo-Hebrew blessing inscription invokes the goddess Asherah with Yahweh 3 times.
Discovered at Khirbet el-Qom, this bench tomb inscription dates to ~750-700 BCE.|
Although this Khirbet el-Qom discovery was made in 1967, details of this inscription remain largely unacknowledged.