Asherah: “Was God’s Wife Edited Out of the Bible” - Discovery News

"Was God's Wife Edited Out of the Bible?"
Discovery News explores this question at
Asherah, the Hebrew Goddess & Shekinah - Consort of Yahweh

"Asherah, the Shekinah, consort and beloved of Yahweh. God-the-Mother. Her sacred pillars or poles once stood right beside Yahweh’s altar, embracing it. Moses and Aaron both carried one of these Asherah . . ."
Painting by Jonathon Earl Bowser.
Khirbet el-Qom Inscription with Yahweh and “his Asherah” (3 times)

Discovered at Khirbet el-Qom and dating to ~750-700 BCE, this
Paleo-Hebrew, Israelite blessing inscription pairs Yahweh with "his
Asherah" 3 times.
Although a proclaimed bachelor god, this blessing inscription is yet another pairing Yahweh with "his Asherah.” Photo from Biblical Archaeology Review.
Sacred Tree, Nibbling Ibexes & Lion: Constellation of Asherah

A personification of the goddess Asherah, this drawing was discovered on a 3-foot storage jar at Kuntillet Ajrud.* It depicts nibbling ibexes flanking a stylized, sacred tree,** all positioned above the back of striding lion.
The ancients would have immediately identified this symbolism with the goddess Asherah.The ibexes-flanking-and-nibbling-on-a-sacred-tree is an established Asherah motif throughout ancient Palestinian pottery. It dates back over 1,000 years before Kuntillet Ajrud's drawings.
The stylized sacred tree** is Asherah's sacred Tree of Life/Tree of Knowledge (the Pomegranate Tree^). Throughout antiquity, stylized, sacred trees were called asherahs after the goddess Asherah (reflected also in biblical text).
Epithets of Asherah include "Lion
Lady," and "the One of the Lion." The lion was one of Asherah's ancient
epiphanies and serves as the foundation of this configuration.
The numerous references to Asherah presented here, provide a window
into the past and a clue to understanding the importance of Asherah
worship in a forgotten time long ago.
*an Israelite-Judean
Sinai way-station with an attached shrine and "religious center."
(Although a southern complex under Israelite control, neutron analysis
of Ajrud's storage jars reveal they were produced by Judeans around the
Jerusalem area, affirming it had a far reaching northern presence also.)
**Fossilized chunks of wood, discovered at Israelite, archaeological sites, were initiallyidentified as "posts" and "tree trunks.”
Scholars have recently re-identified these remains as "Asherah-images.”
^As the "Source of All Life," to eat the fruit of the pomegranate tree was to "become one with the goddess" in communion. A tradition continued today by Catholics as they receive the body of Christ in communion.
-History’s Vanquished Goddess Asherah
Asherah haElah - 'Asherah, the Goddess’ reconstructs the original Hebrew text of Proverbs 31:28
~ Asherah haElah ~
" ' Asherah, the Goddess', is a short movie which presents a conjectural reconstruction of the original Hebrew text of Proverbs 31:28.
One of the most common methods which was used by the priestly editors of the Tanakh (the basis of "the Old Testament") in order to obfuscate all traces of earlier polytheistic tradition was to replace words which they intended to suppress with others that had similar-sounding syllables. . . .
The memory of Asherah was never fully erased from Jewish mystical tradition.
It resurfaces in Qabalistic works such as the Pardes Rimmonim ("The Orchard of Pomegranates") and the Book of Zohar as one of the earliest names of the Shekinah, the Holy Spirit who is the Bride of God.
The Shekinah is still invoked in Sabbath hymns which contain the chorus of "Bo-i Kallah, Shekinah" (come to us, O Bride, Shekinah)."
Photo and quote from
Asherah - 40 times in the 9 Bible books
This informative presentation encapsulates several dimensions of the Asherah-as-YHWH's-wife controversy.
A Doctor of Theology and a pastor, Andrew Stehlik discusses archaeology, biblical religion, Asherah
in Ugarit's religious texts, Khirbet el-Qom, Kuntillet Ajrud, Asherah
iconography, Asherah in the Bible, Asherah as Lady Wisdom and biblical
divine androgyny.

Through his analysis of this historical data,
Stehlik describes the evolution of Asherah and YHWH as a divine couple
prior to the rise of monotheism.
Dr. Stehlik’s analysis can be found at
Khirbet el-Qom Asherah & Yahweh Blessing Inscription

Israelite Paleo-Hebrew blessing inscription invokes the goddess Asherah with Yahweh 3 times.
Discovered at Khirbet el-Qom, this bench tomb inscription dates to ~750-700 BCE.|
Although this Khirbet el-Qom discovery was made in 1967, details of this inscription remain largely unacknowledged.
-History’s Vanquished Goddess Asherah