As archeology and ancient texts provide a more accurate history, we learn Asherah is Eve.

According to Asherah and the Cult of Yahweh in Israel author Saul M. Olyan, Eve is an “attested epithet” of Asherah’s during the first millennium BCE.*
Extrapolating further upon the Eve-Asherah identification, Olyan
suggests Asherah’s historical serpent association references a previous
myth embedded within the Adam and Eve/Garden of Eden narrative: “One
suspects that an early myth associating the serpent/sea dragon and
Asherah has been lost. Perhaps a reflex of this myth is preserved in the
Eden story in Genesis.”
*additionally, the goddesses Asherah and Eve are both analogous to the goddess Tanit/Tannit.
was writing for the Monograph Series by the Society of Biblical
Literature. It was published by Scholars Press in 1988 and reviewed in
the Journal of the American Oriental Society in 1990. This pedigree, along with other biblical scholars, pretty much establishes it as fact until some contradictory data surfaces some time in the future.
-History’s Vanquished Goddess Asherah